Lockdown London: Summer 2020 – Pt. 2.
Lockdown London: Summer 2020 – Pt. 2.
I’m going back in time for my first two blogs. Back in time to the ‘lockdown’ summer of 2020 when I drove around central London taking photos of big things from empty streets. If you’re reading this in 2120 and wondering why London is so deserted all I can say is, look at the history books! More images of Lockdown London in Part 1.

Abbey Road Studios and zebra crossing: 51st anniversary of the Beatles photo shoot (8th August 1969). Where is everybody?

The Gherkin and Church of St. Andrew Undershaft: Neo-futurist in the background, perpendicular gothic in the foreground.

NW London vista: Through the trees and over the city and finding the Shard, BT Tower and Boomerang.

Natural History Museum: Perfect neo-Romanesque symmetry.

The Shard: The view from the middle of an empty Southwark Street.

River Thames foreshore: From Shakespeare’s Globe across the River Thames; Southwark Bridge and Vintners Hall in the foreground looking towards the City of London with views of the Walkie Talkie, the Scalpel and the Cheesegrater.

Waterloo Bridge: Another Thames view looking downriver towards the City of London.

Roupell Street, Waterloo: I think I took this one in 1975 (nope, it’s Lockdown).

Westminster Abbey: The most famous royal church in the world.
Graham’s book (below): on Amazon OR signed copies can be ordered when booking tours